Jailbreak Me 3.0 Coming Soon For iPad 2?

This is down to the new Apple A5 processor based architecture that is being used in the iPad 2 and it seems to be proving rather difficult to jailbreak. The Limera1n exploit which worked on A4 based iOS devices just doesn’t work on the new A5 based system that the iPad 2 is running.

iPhone dev Comex’s Jailbreak Me took which worked on an userland exploit doesn’t work either but there looks like there might be some development planned. iPhone dev Comex updated the website for Jailbreak Me and the updated page according to Comex is a tease. The page shows a photo of a signboard which says PDF. This could mean that a potential PDF based exploit could be on the cards but for which iOS devices and which iOS version is the question.

These teases are supposed to arouse hope and curiosity are we are all hoping that the new Jailbreak Me 3.0 will be an untethered jailbreak for the iPad 2 as well as all other iOS devices that are using iOS 5. Comex’s tweets don’t give us any hints either so it is all just a matter of waiting now. Let’s hope he is working on a jailbreak for the A5 processor and the iPad 2.

On another note, iOS 5 is to be released this autumn and there is going to be a lot to look forward to according to the official features that have been released. We wonder if Comex should save his new browser based jailbreak for the iOS 5? What do you think?

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