Facebook For iPad Now Available

TechCrunch discovered that the new version of Facebook for iPhone app also has the code necessary to execute the soon to be released Facebook for iPad app. Last month the New York Times reported that the release of the official Facebook for iPad app was imminent but there hasn’t been any further information. Now you can install this app on your iPad right now. You do need to have a jailbroken iPad for it to work and of course you do this at your own risk.

The first thing you need to do is download and install the Facebook for iPhone app on your iPad and you can get this at the App Store. Next you need to install iFile on your iPad you will find this by searching on Cydia. Next you need to open iFile. Go to Applications then Facebook then Facebook.app. You will find a file that is called Info.plist which you need to open and then tap on Property List Viewer.

After this you need to scroll down until you find the string of text that reads UIDeviceFamily. Tap on this. In the upper right corner of the screen you should notice a ticket system. The default setting for this is 1 and you need to change it to 2. Once you change the setting go back to your home screen and then reboot your iPad.
That’s it, when you run the Facebook app it will now start the soon to be released official Facebook for iPad app.

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