Samsung vs Apple: Super Bowl commercial

Samsung is once more targeting Apple with a new commercial. This time they have used the main event of the season: the Super Bowl. The interesting thing with this video, besides its wannabe funny tone, is that it is completely anti Apple oriented. It once again mocks Apple fan culture, with people standing in line in front of an Apple store before the big game starts.

According to the add, Samsung’s new model “did it again”. A new model with a stylus? That sounds, umm, kind of weird.

We seriously doubt this cant of marketing can dent a significant hole in Apple’s devoted user base. Still the add is funny. You can see it for yourself in the Youtube video bellow, that is if you are among the rare people which haven’t already seen it during the big game.

Saurik on jailbreaking and legality of it

Recently the tech freedom activists behind Electronic Frontier Foundation asked for help in the fight for keeping jailbreaking a legal act. People from EFF wanted their supporters to leave comments on the website of US Copyright office in support of jailbreaking. The comments section on their website was shut down ten days ago, and following this, Copyright office shared the posted comments online. There were only 700 recorded posts made, but some real big names in the iOS jailbreak world were adding their weight to this fight. One of those important figures from the jailbreak community was the famous Saurik, owner and maintainer of Cydia, the unofficial app store for iOS. Jay Freeman, which is the real name of Saurik, added more than 5 pages of his thoughts and facts on why the jailbreaking is legal and why it needs to stay legal in the future.

Among other reasons he wrote that many developers were not satisfied with the imposed artificial limitations, thus they have taken on the task of escaping from the jail (aka jailbreaking)! The tools they developed for this process have later become known as jailbreak tools like RedSn0w, Sn0wBreeze, PwnageTools etc. The main function of these tools was to install third party apps and tweaks on jailbroken devices. The jailbreaks were based on different processes, depending on the approach used by developers. Some of these were rooting, bootloader based jailbreaks and a number of other processes. The jailbreak is generally speaking easy and safe if you know what you are doing, but the various approaches and ensuing results are somewhat different.
Some actions after the jailbreak were more or less difficult, so for example it isn’t as easy to upgrade the device firmware after the jailbreak without removing the jailbreak completely. Of course: you can upgrade the device but you need to use the so called custom firmware upgrade option. This involves a process where you use the jailbreak tool to create a custom firmware which is afterwards loaded onto the device.

Saurik’s whole comment is an interesting read, and you can check it out in its whole length on the US Copyright office website. Two years ago, US courts ruled out that jailbreaking is indeed legal, but the decision could expire this year. If for some unknown reason the Copyright office does not confirm the legality of jailbreaking, the decision could again become used against people deciding to jailbreak their own devices.

Facebook For iPad Now Available

TechCrunch discovered that the new version of Facebook for iPhone app also has the code necessary to execute the soon to be released Facebook for iPad app. Last month the New York Times reported that the release of the official Facebook for iPad app was imminent but there hasn’t been any further information. Now you can install this app on your iPad right now. You do need to have a jailbroken iPad for it to work and of course you do this at your own risk.

The first thing you need to do is download and install the Facebook for iPhone app on your iPad and you can get this at the App Store. Next you need to install iFile on your iPad you will find this by searching on Cydia. Next you need to open iFile. Go to Applications then Facebook then You will find a file that is called Info.plist which you need to open and then tap on Property List Viewer.

After this you need to scroll down until you find the string of text that reads UIDeviceFamily. Tap on this. In the upper right corner of the screen you should notice a ticket system. The default setting for this is 1 and you need to change it to 2. Once you change the setting go back to your home screen and then reboot your iPad.
That’s it, when you run the Facebook app it will now start the soon to be released official Facebook for iPad app.

Jailbreak Me 3.0 Coming Soon For iPad 2?

This is down to the new Apple A5 processor based architecture that is being used in the iPad 2 and it seems to be proving rather difficult to jailbreak. The Limera1n exploit which worked on A4 based iOS devices just doesn’t work on the new A5 based system that the iPad 2 is running.

iPhone dev Comex’s Jailbreak Me took which worked on an userland exploit doesn’t work either but there looks like there might be some development planned. iPhone dev Comex updated the website for Jailbreak Me and the updated page according to Comex is a tease. The page shows a photo of a signboard which says PDF. This could mean that a potential PDF based exploit could be on the cards but for which iOS devices and which iOS version is the question.

These teases are supposed to arouse hope and curiosity are we are all hoping that the new Jailbreak Me 3.0 will be an untethered jailbreak for the iPad 2 as well as all other iOS devices that are using iOS 5. Comex’s tweets don’t give us any hints either so it is all just a matter of waiting now. Let’s hope he is working on a jailbreak for the A5 processor and the iPad 2.

On another note, iOS 5 is to be released this autumn and there is going to be a lot to look forward to according to the official features that have been released. We wonder if Comex should save his new browser based jailbreak for the iOS 5? What do you think?

iCloud Available In Beta Now

Anyone who has a MobileMe account should be aware of the fact that this will no longer be available from the 30th of June 2012. All those who have an account have had their service automatically extended until June 30th 2012 at no additional cost but after that it will no longer be available.

Apple’s iCloud will be available in the autumn and will be free for iOS 5 and OS X Lion users. When users sign up for iCloud they will be able to keep their or email addresses and move their MobileMe mail, contacts, calendars and bookmarks to the new service.

iCloud includes all the features that were previously available in MobileMe along with some additions too. These additions include online apps such as the online contacts and mail apps which have been written from scratch taking into account everything that was learned from MobileMe.

iCloud also has heavily enhanced synching. With iCloud important files such as documents and pictures can now be synced across different devices. iWork is also available which will allow users to edit documents over this service and view the changes in real time.

iCloud will also allow data such as settings, books, pictures, video and even Apps to be backup up and shown across all your devices too. iTunes is also available and this service will allow any newly purchased content to be automatically synced over the air to up to 10 devices. For your already purchased content you will have the option to download each song, app or book individually.

iCloud will be made available this autumn and it is going to be completely free. There is a 5GB limit and purchased items and Photo Steam won’t add to this. Whether this service will success or not is yet to be seen but it sounds promising.

What’s New With iOS 5 Beta 2

The first thing we noticed was the wireless synch which is now live in Beta 2. This is great because now all users have to do is plug in their device once and set it up through iTunes to sync it and then when you device is synching you will see an icon appearing on the iOS status bar.

The lock screen design in Beta 2 is also slightly different. The notifications are now more prominent on the lock screen and there is a pull down menu allowing users to access other notifications and take action on them.

There is also an enhancement for those who like to do tasks in landscape mode. In previous versions text was almost invisible when the keyboard was enabled but now the virtual keyboard automatically slides out of the way whenever the text underneath is interacted with.

iOS 5 is due to be publically released to the general public in the autumn and there are some new devices anticipated too. iOS 5 has brought several improvements and Beta 2 has patched the vulnerability that allowed iOS 5 to be unlocked using a GEVEY Sim card. iOS 5 is currently only available to those who are registered with Apple. The video below will walk you through all that is new in iOS 5 Beta 2.


How to Turn iPhone into an External Keyboard for iPad

Well we do know that an iPad can turn out to be an extremely multi-purpose device, but there are two uses that take on the rest of the uses head on – typing and web surfing! But more often than not, especially with the ones not used to of typing on a touch screen device, typing may become a hassle. In such a case, an external keyboard is desirable for your iPad. But if you already are a proud owner of an iPhone, along with the iPad, you do not need an external keyboard sort of accessory, ‘cause the combo of both these iDevices can do the magic! Special mentions to iPod touch here, which can also be used as an external keyboard for your iPad, instead of an iPhone.

So what’s the big deal? Do we need to jailbreak the iPad or iPhone/iPod touch first? The answer is no. All you need to do is download a simple app from the iTunes App Store on both the devices you wish to make a combo of, an iPad and an iPhone/iPod touch that is. Name of the app? External Keyboard – an app that actually makes use of the WiFi or Bluetooth as a connecting medium between the two iDevices and allows you to use all the languages offered on the iPhone/iPod touch that aren’t available on the iPad itself.

But then come the demerits. As mentioned earlier, the app needs to be running on both the devices you wish to make out a combo of. When you’re writing an email through this app, because of the reason that this app works as a web browser, you are only restricted to filling in the body of the email an don’t the rest of the smaller bits such as the To, From, Subject, etc fields, that still need to be filled using the original on-screen keyboard of iPad.

So yeah, that’s a bit of hassle and not everyone would be comfortable with such shortcomings. Nevertheless, the app is up for grabs, available for only $0.99. Not to forget, the app must be downloaded on both the devices you wish to use in pair. Here’s the iTunes App Store link to download the apps