Android and BlackBerry Users are Switching to iPhone

If the latest statistics prove to be true, Android and Blackberry should watch out for the soon to come iPhone 5. After last month’s surveys revealed more than a third of the general population is interested in buying the iPhone 5 upon its release, new reports come to threaten iPhone’s main rivals.
A recent survey carried out by Gene Munster at Piper Jaffrays shows some encouraging figures for the Cupertino based company, while giving some bad news to Android and Blackberry.

Among the Android owners, less than a half are satisfied with their Android smartphone, while the 53% say they would give up their current device. Even more surprisingly, 42% of them would choose an iPhone instead. The fact that Android phone users would like to trade it for an iPhone, is presumably because at the time they purchased their phone, Apple wasn’t offering the iPhone on their preferred carrier or that Android failed at keeping their promises that their phone would be “just like iPhone but better.”

When it comes to RIM’s Blackberry, the numbers are even more disappointing, or better said, the customers are even more disappointed : 67% of the BlackBerry users intend switching to an iPhone the next time they purchase a smartphone and only 3% would go for an Android.
While there has been a perception that Android and iPhone are actually trading users, as the owners switch from one device to another and vice versa, this survey seems to reveal something totally different: only Android users are traitors, since iPhone users say their sticking to Apple for their next purchase. How many of them? A staggering 94%.
Whether they’ll go for an iPhone 4, or 5 or whatever comes next, the odds are in Apple’s favor.

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