New Facebook Widget For iOS 5 Notification Center

This widget works along the same lines as the WeeTwitter widget but this time using Facebook. This new widget s available for download for free right now and if you would like to see your Facebook updates in your iOS 5 notification center and you have a jailbroken iPhone then this is for you.

This new WeeFacebook widget is the latest in a line of widgets that are being put together by developers to take advantage of the new notification centre that comes with iOS 5. Apple have yet to confirm that widgets will be available in the App store but we are sure they are aware of the possibilities and we sure to jump on the bandwagon.

If the WeeFacebook widget sounds good to you then you will need to have a jailbroken version of Apple’s iOS 5 beta in order to take advantage of it. These widgets are not available through Cydia so you will have to manually install them.

Below you will find details on how to self install these widgets.

The first thing you need to do is install MobileTerminal which you will find in Cydia and then set up iPhone Explorer on your pc. Once done, plug your device into your computer.

Next from your pc download the file from and then run iPhone Explorer and copy and paste the file you have downloaded.

Next launch MobileTerminal and switch to administrator mode by typing login and then root. Next you have to enter your password which should be alpine unless you have changed it. Next enter the text below.
# /usr/bin/dpkg -i /var/mobile/com.manuelgebele.weefacebook_1.0.1-1_iphoneos-arm.deb

Once you restart your iPhone it will be complete. Remember if you want to use this widget you need to be running iOS 5 and a jailbreak.

PhoneIt-iPad Lets You Make Calls From Your 3G iPad And Is Now Available

Here’s how to set it up on your iPad:

First of all you need to find your Serial Number. You can find this under System>General>About. This is your unique mobile identifier and you are going to need this to set up PhoneIt-ipad.

Next you need to buy PhoneIt-iPad and then insert your Serial Number when requested.

Next go to Cydia and add the following repository: then locate PhoneIt-iPad and install it.

Once you have done this the tweak should work directly and you will be able to make calls and send SMS messages.

If the video that was posted last month is to be believed then this app should work really well but you should always think twice before giving out your unique Serial Number to a third party so be sure to use your own discretion here.

The PhoneIt-iPad tweak was developed by iPhoneIsland who also developed FaceIt3GS which is a software patch that allows iPhone 3GS users to use FaceTime which is legally restricted to iPhone 4, iPad 2 and iPod Touch 4G users.

If you plan on using PhoneIt-iPad you will need to jailbreak your device and it is important to note that this tweak will not work with iOS 5.


Comex Releases Source Code For JailbreakMe 3.0

Comex is well known amongst the jailbreaking community and he is especially known for his JailbreakMe series of jailbreaking tools. The first version of this tool worked on iOS 1.1.1 for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The second version worked on iOS 4.0 an all iOS devices and the third version was released just a couple of weeks ago.

JailbreakMe 3.0 which is codenamed Saffron works on all iOS devices that are running iOS 4.3.3. It uses a PDF exploit found in Mobile Safari along with some other magical techniques that makes this the fastest jailbreaking tool around. This is also the first tool that was able to jailbreak the iPad 2.

Comex has released the source code for Saffron so that other hackers will be able to go through it and create their own tools. As it currently stands, JailbreakMe 3.0 won’t jailbreak iOS 4.3.4 as Apple updated the iOS firmware to patch the exploit that Comex used in Jailbreak Me. If you are a hacker and you fancy taking a look at the Saffron source code to see if you can come up with another solution you can get it at GitHub.


Next Apple iPhone To Launch In October

The report came from John Paczkowski of All Things D and he stated that according to his sources the next iPhone whether it be the iPhone 4S or the iPhone 5 will launch sometime in October of this year and not September as was previously thought. On the website All Things D you can read all about it and why the date has been changed from September to October.

With so many different reports circulating and rumored dates of September and October it really is getting very hard to predict when Apple will unveil the next generation iPhone and like most people out there I guess we really going to have to wait and that wait could be an additional 30 days if these new reports are to be believed.

We don’t even know for sure about the design of the next model as there are contradicting reports surrounding this too. Some say that the next iPhone will have an iPhone 4 like design whilst others suggest that the next generation iPhone will have a tapered curved design.

Again it is all really just speculation and until Apple decides to put us all out of our misery and unveil the product no one can be certain for sure. So whether it will be a September launch or an October launch no one really can say for sure all we can say is that the next generation iPhone will be launched sometime this year. If there are any further developments on this story we will be sure to let you know.


iPhone 4 NFC DIY hack

Do desperately need to have NFC available with your iPhone 4? If your answer is yes, here is how to get it but keep in mind it is not for everybody. NFC stands for Near Field Communication and it’s main purpose is processing financial transactions by moving your iPhone near an NFC payment terminal. With this technology you wont need to bother yourself with pin numbers and other trivialities, just move your iPhone close to the terminal and your payment will be processed in a second without you needing to do anything else. NFC will most probably be a standard part of the next iPhone model, the iPhone 5.

At the time being, NFC is available only on a small number of Android devices, but with this hack you’ll be able to do the same with your beloved iPhone 4. For this to work you will need to have a credit card which supports the latest NFC technology. When you get the NFC credit card remove the iPhone 4 back cover, insert the credit card on the battery and afterwards carefully put the cover back on your iPhone.
Thats all, you can pay your StarBucks coffee with your NFC enabled iPhone 4. The glass back of your iPhone doesn’t block the NFC communications at all.

But really this hack isn’t something essential as there are not enough NFC terminals around to make it really useful. Could this damage the iPhone 4? We don’t think so. But any way you can show your friends which proud themselves that Android is better because of NFC that they aren’t completely right. It is as good a reason to hack your iPhone as there is. Anyway do let us know if you try this out.

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VirusBarrier The First Every iPhone AntiVirus Is Here

This new malware scanner for iOS devices has been developed by Intego and it is a new tool that will scan places where malware is likely to be stored. This includes scanning the dropbox folder, mail attachments and more within iOS. VirusBarrier is an on demand scanner and this means that it doesn’t run in the background so you will have to manually scan files from the app itself.

There has never really been a need for anti-malware on an iOS device because all software that runs on these devices has been reviewed by Apple. The only exception to this is if you have a jailbroken iDevice.

According to the developers of this app the main use is to prevent malware from going through these devices into computers at home or at work via email or remote locations such as MobileMe or Dropbox. VirusBarrier is equipped to detect Windows, Mac and Unix viruses and the virus definitions are updated on a regular basis. You can download the VirusBarrier app from the iOS App Store for just $2.99 for the year. After this license expires you can purchase an additional license for just $1.99 per year.

Whether or not you need to purchase this new app is entirely up to you but it can’t hurt to keep everything as safe as possible can it? What do you think, would you install VirusBarrier on your iDevice and do you think there is a need for it?


Avoid iOS 4.3.5 If You Want Untethered Jailbreak

The warning was issued by @MuscleNerd who is a prominent member of the iPhone Dev Team and he advised jailbreakers to stay away from the iOS 4.3.5 update on his Twitter account.

The new iOS 4.3.5 came as a surprise for so many people especially when you consider that iOS 5 is being developed and due for release early in the Fall. iOS 4.3.5 update was issued and includes a fix for a security issue when validating certificates but not much else was changed as far as we know.

There is no untethered jailbreak available and there might not be seeing as though iOS 5 is fast approaching. If you do want a jailbreak you can still get a tethered jailbreak using Redsn0w. With the tethered jailbreak you are required to plug your device into a computer running Redsn0w every time it starts up in order to boot it into jailbroken state and this can be a pain.

As for untethered jailbreaks it is suspected that the jailbreaking community might not want to expose any more vulnerabilities in the iOS code at the moment as they would be fixed in iOS 5. If this is the case it will mean that jailbreaking iOS 5 will be easier and it will happen much quicker when it is released. For the time being users are urged to stick with iOS 4.3.3 or earlier and not to upgrade if they want to keep their untethered jailbreaks.


Apple To Release iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 Together

Whitmore also went on to state that Apple may actually be trying to capitalize on struggling smartphone platfors such as Blackberry, Nokia and RIMM in a bid to win over a different range of customers.

The iPhone 5 is set to be the direct successor to the iPhone 4 with the iPhone 4S meeting the needs of the lower end customers. It is thought that the iPhone 4S will be a prepaid cell phone priced at $350 with plans that are similar to the ones found on the iPad today. This will allow users to pay for the data or calls that they require when they need them.

We really have no way of verifying what Whitmore is reporting and this is just more speculation to add to the speculation that we have already seen about Apple’s next generation iPhone.

Over the last few months we have seen numerous reports about the new iPhone so I guess we really will have to wait and see whether Apple do release two new iPhone models in September. What do you think of having a pre-pay iPhone? Would you be interested in purchasing a commitment free iPhone?


Apple Plugging Exploits For Untethered Jailbreaks in iOS 4.3.4

The Dev Team has been using incomplete code-signing attacks to find and perform untethered jailbreaks on iOS devices that were running iOS 4.1 and up but this exploit has been patched with the latest release iOS 4.3.4. This was done in reaction to Comex’s JailbreakMe 3.0 tool that used a PDF exploit in iOS 4.3.3 to jailbreak all iOS devices including the iPad 2.
I0n1c who is actually Stefan Esser an independent iOS hacker has been talking about this on Twitter. He stated that incomplete code signing attacks were used for all untether exploits from at least iOS 4.1.0. In addition to this iOS 4.3.4 also adds code to dyld to detect attacks with binaries using incomplete code signing. He went on to say that iOS 4.3.4 does not only fix JailbreakMe 3.0 as announced but also silently kills the ndrv_setspec () integer overflow.

What this all means to the average person is that iOS 4.3.4 won’t be receiving an untethered jailbreak anytime soon. A significant consequence of course is that all future iOS devices that are sold by Apple Stores will come with iOS 4.3.4 which they won’t be able to jailbreak. What this will mean is that if you buy one of these you will have to live without Cydia until an untethered jailbreak solution is found.
If you have a jailbroken idevice you are advised to stay away from iOS 4.3.4. There is a tethered jailbreak solution available via Redsn0w and Pwnage Tool but with this you have to connect your iOS device to your PC every time you restart it.

Apple Cuts iPhone 4 Orders Ahead Of iPhone 5 Launch

According to an industry source, supplier have seen disappointing orders from Apple and this has nothing to do with iPhone 4 sales because this iDevice is still a hot seller. Instead it is being reported that Apple is likely preparing the release of a next generation iPhone which is expected to be announced in September. The new model many are claiming will be the iPhone 5 and will probably look similar to the current generation iPhone.

iPad orders are still really great and they are expected to grow 70% next quarter to 8 million units since no new model is in sight at the moment.

Rumors of a future iPhone have been doing the round for months now and this is what happened with previous iPhone releases too. Reports initially pointed to a major upgrade but this seems less likely thanks to model images that have been leaked. It is expected that the new model will have similar features but more RAM and a faster processor are expected as is a larger 8 megapixel camera.

Like all the rumors and reports we really do have to take them all with a pinch of salt because until Apple actually release their next generation iPhone we really won’t know exactly what to expect.


Apple launches, for developers only!

Apple has just released its long awaited iCloud, a multimedia backup and streaming service. And indeed, it offers all you will ever want from such a service in a always recognizable Apple way. It will offer you web apps like what we see with Google apps and more like: Calendar, Mail, Contacts, iWork and so on. FindMyiPhone becomes a web app too!

In it’s starter edition, iCloud is free for users but it has only a limited amount of storage: 5GB. You can get more if you need it: 10 GB larger storage space for $20 annually. 20GB will cost you forty bucks and 50 GB will come at a price of $100 for every year. Interestingly you will be able to purchase more storage through your iPhones or iPads iOS 5 Settings app!

Other online companies like Amazon And Google are already offering their cloud services, and currently it seems that Amazon has a better deal for users, but of course one thing they don’t have is seaming less integration with iOS on iPhone and iPad. Besides Apple probably rightfully expects that the free 5GB of storage will be more than enough for most of the users. MobileMe users will be happy to learn that they don’t have to worry: Apple will relocate their accounts into iCloud!

iCloud is a completely new step for Apple and it was clearly demonstrated as Steve Job himself took on himself to present the iCloud on the last WWDC conference held last month in San Francisco. One of the most innovative option available with iCloud is iMatch. This app will compare music on your devices with millions of songs which are available in iTunes and it will upgrade them to better AAC format without bothersome DRM features!

iCloud should become officially available for all iOS users after the release of iOS 5 which is expected to be in September.

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Apple goes against Samsung, complaints sent to ITC

Apple has recently succeed in getting attention from International Trade Commission with their patent infringement law suit versus South Korean consumer electronics manufacturer Samsung. International Trade Commission can easily deny importation of consumer products which were judged to be connected with patent rights violations. But despite being capable of stopping imports of disputable products, ITC in the past didn’t act too often on this ground. Usually the threat of sanctions alone was sufficient to pressure companies into negotiations and this was in many cases followed by million s of dollars in patent fees payments.

Interestingly it seems that Samsung isn’t at this moment shipping their new product the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 to Australia although Samsung’s representatives claim that this isn’t connected with the fact that Apple has initiated a lawsuit against Samsung in Australian Federal Court.

Apple’s complaints are based on their claim that Samsung is copying Apple’s devices iPhone and iPad, especially the exterior design and the “feeling“ of the device. And to anyone who has ever seen both devices, iPad and Samsung’s latest 10.1 Tab the similarities will be more than obvious. But it is true that both devices use somewhat different hardware and they use different operative systems: Apple is using exclusively iOS for all their mobile devices and Samsung uses Google backed Android OS. It will be interesting to see Google’s position on this latest clash between Apple and Samsung.

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EA Praises iPad as the Best Selling Gaming Platform

That Apple’s iPad has been a booming success since its launch and to date is no longer news. The tablet has seen continuous growth in sales and a whopping market share, in excess of 50%.

Confirmation of its success has come from all sources, from users to market analysts to Apple’s financial results.

Well, now the tablet gets more praises, this time coming from one of the largest computer games developers, Electronic Arts.

The company’s chief executive, John Riccitiello has stated that the huge success of the tablet has also lead to his company’s latest growth spur. According to Riccitello, one of the reasons for this success is the fact that, compared to gaming consoles which have seen a five-yearly update schedule, tablet users have the ability to use the app stores to get the latest versions of their favorite games.

What this means is that a game developer can update and launch new games sometimes even as often as once every 90 days. This has lead to a 500% increase in Apple’s share of the US video game market share.

Another move by Apple which further fueled the gaming market shares has been the launch of the iPad 2, which saw a great improvement in graphics acceleration and this giving a much better gaming experience. In comparison, a gaming console usually sees a 10-20x improvement in 7-8 years. Apple leaped 9x within one year with the launch of the new version of the iPad.

This ever increasing success can only lead to questions regarding what will happen if Apple launches the rumored iPad 3 this autumn.


AwayFind for iPhone: Improve Productivity, Get Notified Of Priority Emails!

I get hundreds of emails every day. I use my iPhone several times throughout the day to check and respond to any important emails. However, I strongly believe that checking my Inbox frequently actually reduces my productivity. On the contrary, I can’t turn off push notifications for email due to the sheer volume of mails I receive. Therefore, I needed a solution which would do away with the hassle of checking of my Inbox regularly and yet keep me informed of any urgent emails. I stumbled across AwayFind and with what I’ve seen so far, it looks good for my email needs.

The name ‘AwayFind’ implies that the app would take you away from your Inbox and still find all urgent/ important emails for you. The AwayFind app connects to a user’s email account and sends push notifications when the user receives urgent messages. Though the one time step process is time consuming, it actually helps users save time every time they need to check high priority emails.
Once installed, the app prompts you to Login to your account or to create an account. I did not have an AwayFind account so I chose the latter option. It prompted me to enter the email address that I’d like to be monitored with AwayFind. I entered my gmail id and it asked me to choose a username. On clicking ‘Create User’, it prompted me to sign in with my gmail credentials. Once I signed in, the app asked for permission to access my Gmail account. Once I granted the permission, it asked me to allow push notifications.
The app then prompts you to add people who send you the most urgent messages. There’s an option to pick contacts from the Address Book as well as enter email addresses manually. On the next screen, the AwayFind app shows alert settings for whether the app should send alerts on when the identified people email me. It also shows a Calendar setting to alert me when I received an email from a person whom I’m supposed to meet after a stipulated time.

 Users can customize their app settings by clicking on the ‘Settings’ button in the top left corner of the app.

When you receive an email from a sender in the ‘Urgent’ list, the app shows a push notification as follows.

To open the email, click on the ‘View’ button and the app opens it. No more distractions and no need to check your Inbox every few minutes. AwayFind offers a free plan which works for 1 email account (GMAP/ IMAP only). The free version does not have calendar integration and voice alerts. It can scan for urgent messages 3 times per hour. Users can switch to Monthly Starter ($15/month) or Yearly Pro ($139/year) to add more email accounts, increase scan frequency and get enhanced worldwide SMS and voice alerts.
If you are looking for a solution to manage your email volume to increase your productivity, I’d recommend you try AwayFind!

Android and BlackBerry Users are Switching to iPhone

If the latest statistics prove to be true, Android and Blackberry should watch out for the soon to come iPhone 5. After last month’s surveys revealed more than a third of the general population is interested in buying the iPhone 5 upon its release, new reports come to threaten iPhone’s main rivals.
A recent survey carried out by Gene Munster at Piper Jaffrays shows some encouraging figures for the Cupertino based company, while giving some bad news to Android and Blackberry.

Among the Android owners, less than a half are satisfied with their Android smartphone, while the 53% say they would give up their current device. Even more surprisingly, 42% of them would choose an iPhone instead. The fact that Android phone users would like to trade it for an iPhone, is presumably because at the time they purchased their phone, Apple wasn’t offering the iPhone on their preferred carrier or that Android failed at keeping their promises that their phone would be “just like iPhone but better.”

When it comes to RIM’s Blackberry, the numbers are even more disappointing, or better said, the customers are even more disappointed : 67% of the BlackBerry users intend switching to an iPhone the next time they purchase a smartphone and only 3% would go for an Android.
While there has been a perception that Android and iPhone are actually trading users, as the owners switch from one device to another and vice versa, this survey seems to reveal something totally different: only Android users are traitors, since iPhone users say their sticking to Apple for their next purchase. How many of them? A staggering 94%.
Whether they’ll go for an iPhone 4, or 5 or whatever comes next, the odds are in Apple’s favor.

Why Jailbreak? Top 5 Reasons to jailbreak iPhone

Since I started blogging about jailbreak and upgrade methods for iPhone, I have received emails from readers about reason for jailbreak and the difference between jailbreak and unlock. And question like, “My iPhone already got Apple’s AppStore to download applications. Is there any reason to jailbreak my iPhone?”. I thought it’ll be good to write up a blog post to address all the similar questions. First, let me explain the question about “Unlock iPhone vs Jailbreak”.
In brief, jailbreak your iPhone means you are allowed to install 3rd party applications on iPhone. This applies to all version of firmwares. And, for unlocking iPhone, it refers to the process to open up your iPhone to accept all carriers. Unlocked iPhone allows you to use SIM card from all carriers. You are no longer bind to the official carrier (e.g. AT&T) approved by Apple.
So, with the introduction of iPhone AppStore, why do we still need to jailbreak? For this question, mostly queried by iPhone 3G users, I have thought of 5 reasons to jailbreak iPhone even with the presence of AppStore.

Reason #1 – Install 3rd pary applications via Cydia and Installer

The introduction of AppStore in iPhone 2.0 is the best feature for this firmware update, I have to admit. But even with thousands of applications available on AppStore, there are some other great applications, such as Netshare, banned by Apple to hit the Appstore for certain reasons. And this is the place where Cydia and Installer comes in and let you download all 3rd party applications. Some of the great applications you can find on Cydia are:
  • Cycorder / Video Recorder  – Let you capture video on iPhone
  • NemusSync – Sync iPhone calendar with Google Calendar
  • MxTube – Download and save YouTube video on iPhone
  • iAcces – Let you use all kinds of Chinese Input Method
  • iPhoneModem – Let you use iPhone as modem and give your laptop connection to Internet via iPhone
  • Mame4iPhone – Play arcade game on iPhone

Reason #2 – Video Recording

Compared iPhone with any other mobile phone in the market, there is one area iPhone would definitely lose – Video Recording. With jailbreak iPhone, however, you can easily turn the iPhone camera into video camera for video recording by using Cycorder or iPhone Video Recorder.

Reason #3 – Changing iPhone Looks & Feel

Are you bored with the standard icons that come with iPhone? Ever think of changing the look of iPhone? With jailbreak iPhone, you can use Winterboard to apply theme on iPhone and make it look even cooler. Here are just a few samples to show what Winterboard can do for you:

Reason #4 – Full control of your iPhone

This may not be the reason for non-tech iPhone user. But for geeks, this may be why you need to jailbreak the iPhone. As you may know, the inner part of iPhone is a trim-down version of Mac OS X, which is actually a Unix core. So, you may wonder whether you can install some Unix applications such as Apache web server, on the iPhone. The answer is yes. With iPhone jailbreak, you can install a lightweight version of HTTP server and other similiar servers. And, one server that most Jailbreak iPhone users are using is a SSH daemon. With SSH, you can connect to iPhone remotely and transfer any file to/from it. Pretty cool, right? You can further refer to this post about how you can use SSH to transfer ringtone to the iPhone.

Reason #5 – Unlock iPhone

Lastly, the most common reason for jailbreaking iPhone is for unlock. This is one of the mandatory steps you need to through before you can unlock iPhone.